Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday, March 5- Practice plus Spring Training opening game-Indians vs Reds

Not only was the sun hot, so were the Indian bats. Beating anyone 9-2 in early spring training is no big deal, but for the Indians to beat anyone is a great start.

Manager Manny Acta told me after the game "a win is better than a loss no matter what game you play". The Tribe is statisically the youngest team in the majors having a team average age of 26 years. Today Grady Sizemore looked in great shape and when I asked how soon he would be "game ready" he asked "what time is it Tim....9:45 isn't it...I will be game ready at 10:00".

Pitchers looked great today as Justin Masterson, Aaron Laffey, and others looked pretty sharp. Kerry Wood still concerns me as he started out as he finshed last season....poor location with control issues. Acta says the starters are Jake Westbrook, Fausto Carmona, and Justin Masterson with the other two spots up for a battle.

I love new hitting instructor John Nunnally. He is across the hall from us in our hotel, and I think he even talks hitting in his sleep! The following pics show him talking hitting this morning.

We were at workouts from 7:30 a.m. until noon then walked to the stadium for the game from 1:00-4:00. We hung out after the game with Bruce Drennan and his STO show "All Bets are Off".

Brenda got about ten balls today. She got them autographed by Joe Morgan and Aroldis Chapman from the Reds for son-law Reds fan Brent. For our collection she added Asdrubal Cabrera, Chris Perez, John Nunnally, Manny Acta, Kerry Wood. She will continue this for the next eight days.

Early but undefeated. Great Day in Goodyear with Reds again tomorrow then Rangers on Sunday.

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